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During the incident, right after Satoh had adopted the Scarlet Blade, Satoh was killed by the invader but miserably revived by the Demon, Akai Oni, which was inherited via the Scarlet Blade, theoretically. Though his life was saved, he was no longer the MAN Yui loves and knows;
Rito really said I need Katarina in my life.
Qualunque sia il prezzo da pagare,nella vita non ci tireremo mai indietro,
saremo sempre in cerca di emozioni,emozioni nuove da vivere,emozioni che ci facciano vivere,emozioni che ci accarezzino il cuore
e penetrino nell’anima,per non lasciarla più
Day 1086 #ArtKicksCovid19 “Doni Tondo” (1507) Michelangelo. @UffiziGalleries Michelangelo was born on this day in 1475. This was painted for a Florentine merchant, Agnolo Doni, whose marriage in 1504 took place in a period that was crucial for early 16th-century Florentine art.
@Alastor_Jack40 Nobasaki: Ya Ain't seein' things, Yer a Kitsune and I'm an Oni, through and through.
I'm proud of my progress with Joni, he's neither the first nor the last here but it shows, although right now I'm simplifying a bit to survive, I can't wait to see what gem comes out if he spent a lot of time on one like that 😈 https://t.co/X1u289ojfa
"Penso a delusioni, a grandi imprese
A una thailandese
Ma l'impresa eccezionale, dammi retta
È essere normale"
Da "Disperato, erotico stomp"
Di #LucioDalla tra i più grandi forse il più grande
Oni, Dragon, Demon Jackal, Sphynx Cat. More in replies.
And here it is! Ispettrice Numeroni, to be specifc.
Large! A friend showed her to me and I knew what had to be done.
The snacking to pear pipeline, gotta watch out for that.
Also, yes, the second one was done in Mspaint because it's fun!
First kink art of her too, so that's neat.
"Baka Oni,You must be responsible for me!"
#Briskart #AlbanKnoxArt #Sonnyban
05. #prosescergam #VirgoandTheSparklings dari kak @maghfirare pindah ke kak Doni Cahyono (ig:kodookngorek) untuk diwarnai (digital coloring). Lihat deh layer di kanan, banyak banget ya? itu cara kerjanya kak Doni, setiap obyek diwarnai di layer yang berbeda.
@Apenas_Thigas oioi sou a oni, e, recentemente abri comissões!
um amiguinho 🙃 @lehshroom
Where, oh, where is the Wolf Man this Wednesday? Right here, Weirdos. (Art for the 2010 version of the Wolf Man by Koni, Juan Calle, Vinnie Tartamella, and werewmagnus, respectively.) #werewolfwednesday #TheWolfMan2010 #werewolfart #werewolf
Story: @CelestOrion @the9thbreaker
Writers: @the9thbreaker @CelestOrion
Pencils/Inks: @RedrabbitBradMc
Colors: BayLaurel, N'Oni, @speendlexmk2
Letters: @CelestOrion
Editors: @the9thbreaker @vanessasonica @UrsineTimes
Special Thanks: @euniethebus
@MeowMoonified @cerywen I thought you liked me Mooni, I thought we were friends
I see how it is
I'm gonna go cry now
Con todo el tema ade momotaro y tal, sabéis que estao tres van a estar en contral del de la máscara, que es un oni/demonio.
Contra lo que Momotaro se enfrenta. Quizás la trama sea ponernos en el lugar del oni, que es odiado, quizás injustamente, mientras los otros tres son amados
Se tutti andassero in guerra in base alle loro convinzioni, le guerre non ci sarebbero più
Lev Tolstoj "Guerra e pace"
#LaTerraDiCaino #SalaLettura
Van der Meulen
I'll go ahead and go first. I'm Oni, and me and my gf are working on our first Manga together by the title of RELIC.
It's a shonen love letter to some of our favorite anime/manga with a bit of Arthurian legend for flavor.
L'amore è una guerra:
di emozioni,
di voglie,
di corpi che si cercano,
si bramano,
si dominano.
Poi la quiete assoluta,
la pace dei sensi.
È quello il momento più bello,
che vale #ilPrezzo della battaglia.