Excited to own my first piece! The "Franks" Layer from "It Takes a Village" comes with a ton of different states... ❤️

3 17

"Wave" by will change each day to reflect Day/Night cycles.

Available for bidding: https://t.co/uyO92JRN77

3 25

New shoes for my next Having fun with that one, can't wait to be able to play with programmable time hooks.
Fashion Police concerns tho, does approve of the socks to the left? 😏

5 26

Thank you so much for collecting Corinna's master layers, and for collecting the Owl layer 😃🙏 This is my first on
Other 2 layers are still available here 👇

1 10

"Cyber Masks" Layer SOLD to for 1.5 ETH ($2,980).

This Layer by can affect the overall image of "Crypto Gothic"


0 7

White move received by (g2-g3)

Black move in response: Qd8-a5

What should White do now? 🤔

Auction closing now for Master and Layers of this chess set!


White + Red Layers:

2 5

White move received by: (f3xe4)

Black move in response: f4xe3

What should White do now? 🤔

Current state of this at: https://t.co/K984vLoX3T

4 13

White move received by (Ne6-d8)

Black move in response: Qa5xd8

What should White do now? 🤔

See the current state of this piece at: https://t.co/K984vLoX3T

5 14

White move received by (Nd4-e6)

Black move in response: Ke8-f7

What should White do now? 🤔

Current state of this piece at: https://t.co/K984vLoX3T

2 9

White move received by (Nf3xd4)

Black move in response: e6-e5

What should White do now? 🤔

Current state of this piece at: https://t.co/K984vLoX3T

3 11

White move received by (Qe3)
Black move in response: f7-f6

What should white do next?

View the current state of this piece at:

3 7

White move received by (Qd2)
Black move in response: Nf6-e4

What should white do next?

View the current state of this piece at: https://t.co/K984vLoX3T

2 9

White move received by (Rb1)
Black move in response: Qd8-a5

What should White do next?

View the current state of this piece at: https://t.co/Z726YrsFwE

4 16

White move received by (h2-h4)
Black move in response: c7-c5

What should white do next?

View the current state of this piece at: https://t.co/K984vLoX3T

1 3

White move received by (b2xc3).
Black move in response: Nb8-d7.

What should white do next?

View the current state of this piece at: https://t.co/Z726YrsFwE

1 6

Move received! Bxc3+ in response ✅

What should white do next? View the current state of this piece at: https://t.co/ax9GxYpEBY

1 4

Move received... Bf8-b4 in response!

What should White do now? 🤔

See the current state of this piece at: https://t.co/EL6HN4Rh0Y

(Priority given to those haven't made a move yet!)

1 13