Meg propaganda is good propaganda.
I'm going to post Nichol propaganda solely cause he's cool

0 4

The Japanese Rising Sun motif has been used since the days of the samurai and is still very popular in 2022😊

FYI. The "Rising sun flag is a symbol of _____" is a recently created anti-Japanese propaganda. Don't be fooled.

6 25

You are not immune to propaganda...

2 12

Bloodshed is about to occur, but here, have my propaganda. 😂

Yes these all are drawing I've already posted, I have nothing new.
(i've also nvr drawn kaede or sonia, I vote for sonia tho)

2 7

Stop the propaganda.
Leave us alone to live in peace.
And leave the LGB alone I’m so tired of the homophobic alphabet hangers-on.

52 137

This is how brainwashing 🧠 and mental conditioning works...

☑️ Civil War 🔵🔴
☑️ Wandavision 👁 twisting reality
☑️ Carnage 🩸 vs Venom ⚫️ vaxxed
☑️ No Way Home / The New Normal

You are being seeded 🌱 with mental ideas 💭 via entertainment based propaganda...

1 4

Oh I'm plinking away at my own propaganda...

0 2

“Only the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself. The masses have to be won by propaganda.” - Hannah Arendt

“只有暴民(小粉红)和精英(大五毛)才能被极权主义的气势所吸引。其他,必须通过宣传赢得群众。” ——汉娜·阿伦特

11 21

// double life spoilers

I'm here to spread my Dessert Duo propaganda. Candy cane dripstones :)

238 2186

Hi Everyone let me slowly introduce you to my rarepairs and my Pyrope/Vantas propaganda.

4 8

Day 10: FUCKERY. The continuation of my Jackiehands Tax Benefits Marriage propaganda.

129 805

Nesterov rammed the plane on 25 August 1914. Both planes were downed and all the pilots killed, with Nesterov becoming a hero of Russian propaganda.

7 39

fuck everything.

it's right wing propaganda. 😕

how are ppl falling for this?

10 111

It seems I am not immune to propaganda. is like that bad habit you keep coming back to

Not exactly the seal I want, but no one was accepting bids and I am not immune to fomo either


16 121

Just look at this: a brief semiotic analysis on this single panel of Duggan's X-Men, and once again it's evident what I've been saying about his X-Men being just a piece of propaganda... a mutant version of the "White Savior Complex."

0 3