$15 USD. 10 SLOTS

Opening these to help my Colombia in their brave fight against injustice. All the money will go to protestors to cover their needs and keep them fighting. Please help this reach more ppl with rt. If this fill up I might open more!

5 15

Explicação para que não está por dentro do assunto: Os protestos populares contra a reforma tributária do governo da Colômbia culminaram na pior crise política e social enfrentada por Iván Duque, o presidente do país; até agora, dentro desse contexto, ++

36 83

Bueno, un poco de politica antes del gran dia
Como dijo el titan "SI NO PROTESTO, NO SOY REAL"
Toda la fuerza al paro nacional

3 7

After the murder of US protestors were tracked down by the FBI using open source intelligence (#OSINT) techniques. A new chapter of Exposing the Invisible: The Kit looks at how OSINT is used in investigations - and how to protect yourself:

19 31

Suzuka Silence, de Uma Musume, como forma de protesto a FGO fazendo collab cujo maior feature são umas poha dumas skin

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Terrorists torturing and abducting residents from also threatened to shoot if the protestors didn’t come out of the hideout!!

43 33

IRON MAN Tony is still trapped in his Iron Man armor, as Dewitt waits to nab control of his body. An angry mob of union protestors storm the gates of Stark Enterprises, while the Mandarin intends to conquer China with the power of Fin Fang Foom behind him.

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The myanmar terrorists group try to change another tactic.They are dealing with problems about using live bullets.Thus,they’re now trying to arrest more and then they beat the protestors to be dead.

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🛑North Oakkala Red Zone🛑

Terrorists burn the resident's barricades near North Oakkala bridge not to save arrested protestors.
tw // violence

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Sempre vou achar essa a minha arte favorita, pela simples idéia de pegar uma foto de um protesto e uma frase de outro post da UP kkk

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33) Elección de Phoenix Wright, ¡sin objeciones!

La Ace Attorney Trilogy y Spirit of Justice, ¡protesto por dejarme incluir solo 2 carátulas!

-Mientras se disputa el juicio, pausa de hilo-

1 1

( Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney - Dick Gumshoe /
Fenix Verissimo : Advogados de Primeira - Denis Gaspar )

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A customs officer fires on stone-throwing protestors outside his home, killing 11yo Christopher Seider. Tensions between colonists and Crown agents over erupted into violence that presaged the 12 days later.

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Illustrated protestor by

"In support of the children shouting out about climate change –my piece will join the many others done by fellow children’s illustrators to show our solidarity for the young people."

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Peaceful protestors are fighting for Democracy in Yangon Myanmar.

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Civil Disobedience Movement is vital & crucial in General Strike Myanamar 2021. Public servants going to work is equal to the act of murdering the peaceful protestors in the streets. Please, Join & Support CDM!

8 6

:(((( protestorss..... hurty feelings!

0 3

✍🏽Washington DC

O’ what hypocrisy! And
not without criticism—
‘fake activism’—disguised
as protestors in the name of MY ancestors—‘Unwoke’ dripping
in guilt, shame, & ignorance—
jostled like crabs in a barrel & resistance with little consequence;
such foolishness!

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Amanhã (06/02) às 15h, debaixo dos viadutos da av Salim Farah Maluf (Tatuapé, SP) será feito mais um ato de protesto contra a arquitetura de exclusão da administração Covas. Flores tomarão o lugar das pedras. Um ato simbólico com a presença do . Tragam suas flores!

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These scenes in the last issue, published like 6 months after BLM protestors were killed by police firing at them w riot gear short range, was incredibly tasteless. Idk if the artist chose to make this parallel, but BIPOC aren’t robots who previously tried waged war on humanity.

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