Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII's most trusted is beheaded without trial in His political rivals seized upon the King's dissatifaction with plain Anne of Cleves, an unconsummated Cromwell had engineered.

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Dozens of missionaries and Christians are beheaded and left to the dogs in during the Boxer Rebellion. Whether or not the massacre was ordered by the isolationist governor remains a

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Attempting to escape the in Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are captured in and ultimately executed. Their "secret" flight was compromised by a conspicuous carriage, armed retinue and lack of disguises.

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After HMS Gaspee runs aground chasing a smuggler off the coast, 80 men loot the ship before setting it aflame. The affair presaged the Tea Party and other against British rule in colonial America.

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The Vandals lay waste to The malevolent Emperor, who had already been killed by a mob, had infuriated the Germanics by cancelling his step-daughter's engagement to their prince in favor of his own son.

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Petronius Maximus is killed by a mob while fleeing in panic from the imminent sacking of The Emperor infuriated the Vandals by cancelling his step-daughter's engagement to their prince in favor of his own son.

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Armed men hiding in a restroom subdue guards after closing time at the National Gallery of in and escape with only two Van Goghs and a Cézanne. The remain unrecovered.

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An explosion and fire on Deepwater Horizon kill 11 people and sink the drilling rig off the coast. The subsequent spill took five months to contain and remains the worst in American

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Soldiers fire into an armed mob outside the Custom House, ultimately killing six. The Massacre exacerbated the public outrage over and troop deployment that would culminate in

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A customs officer fires on stone-throwing protestors outside his home, killing 11yo Christopher Seider. Tensions between colonists and Crown agents over erupted into violence that presaged the 12 days later.

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Richard Lawrence fails to assassinate Andrew Jackson when both of his guns misfire outside the Capitol in The 34yo housepainter, who believed he was a victim of the President's policies, was found not guilty by reason of insanity.

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Catholic James II/VII flees to after his officers defect, effectively abdicating the throne to Protestants William & Mary. The Glorious Revolution forever affirmed the primacy of over the monarchy.

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Two men violently subdue a Transylvania Univ librarian and escape with rare worth millions. All four conspirators in the college students, are apprehended after plans to fence their loot unravel.

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After refusing to wait for a new engine, Renowned aviator Jean Mermoz and his crew of four disappear flying mail from to No trace of the men or their Latécoère 300 has ever been found.

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A sperm whale sinks the Essex 2000 miles west of South America, stranding her crew of 20 in three lifeboats. Only eight will survive the months-long ordeal at sea, mostly by cannibalism. The reason for the ram attack is a

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The so-called Man in the Iron Mask dies in the in after having been imprisoned throughout for over 33 years. Despite far-ranging theories, the man's identity and crime, if any, remain a

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Explorers discover the wreck of the legendary City of Everett in the Gulf of Mexico. The whaleback freighter, the first steamship to circle the globe, sank while hauling Cuban molasses to in 1923.

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Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII's most trusted minister, is beheaded without trial in His political rivals seized upon the King's dissatifaction with plain Anne of Cleves, an unconsummated marriage Cromwell had engineered.

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Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII's most trusted minister, is beheaded without trial in His political rivals seized upon the King's dissatifaction with plain Anne of Cleves, an unconsummated marriage Cromwell had engineered.

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Unknown dozens of Western missionaries & Chinese Christians are beheaded and left to the dogs in during the Boxer Rebellion. Whether or not the massacre was ordered by the isolationist governor remains a

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