Some sweets for the Witness

Dark chocolate pyramids with caramel filling and some (non disciple) coffee beans

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My first crush was this Japanese nerd boy I met on my first visit to the pyramids when I was about 12 or smth

and that lil brat shaped my entire taste in men

Where do they even sell these?!

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Indiana Jones is an archeologist; you will never see him digging up dinosaur bones.
Dr. Alan Grant is a paleontologist; you will never see him exploring pyramids.

Paleontologists study dead guys. Archeologists study what the dead guys built and left behind.

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Name: Takaoka Meko
Age: 22
Birthday: 14/08/2000
Hobby/ies: sightseeing, travelling, touring
Hometown: kagoshima, japan
Personality: cheerful, friendly, caring

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Let's keep that love flowing I hope you are all having a wonderful day / night wherever you are. I am currently working on my "Conjurer of worlds" and for now, he is focusing on unlocking ancient secrets in the pyramids

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🧟☀️GrRRrmpy Pharaoh☀️🧟

💎GhArRowrReen SPECIAL💎

🌋“GrRR.. Pyramids!!!"🌋

🪙< SALE: Listed for 15 JENJ >🪙


9 16

Yep! Pyramid land! I drive over the Nile and by the Pyramids on the bus on my way to Uni and it's so cool

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New Drop ' Meta Pyramids
Listed on
1/1 (24h auction)

Reserve Price : 0.5 ◎Solana
(participation nft for all biders)

Link below 👇🏻💚🫂

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Zac and Zoe’s zany “race to end all races” starts at the park and finishes around the world. After their imaginations lead them to battle crocodiles and snakes, climb pyramids, and ride waterfalls, which twin will win the title “First Forever?”

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