画質 高画質

Pierce my awkward son who traverses the world without a care in the world (with only pants)

12 418


5 17

into the guraverse

500 3537


「What...? Blade color changed ?」


「Bravery. Wisdom. Power. I will do it」


6 43

❣️❣️Traversing the grueling Blood Rite to reach the temple❣️❣️

265 1583

Plus forts ensemble 🐞
Voyagez à travers Paris dans !
Le phénomène arrive le 5 juillet au cinéma 🔥

126 504

Work in progress for the favorite Gameraverse girl.
Looks up heavily to Chris.
Poor Chris has Makoto continuing to spread Chris' song in Gameraverse, even though Chris was embarrassed by all that happened.

3 8

Tangerine thoughts 🐰🍊✨ her ideas bloom like flowers as she records tales of might and bravery with magic quills and inks
[drawn with the Artisul SP1603]

83 590

Ogni vita è una moltitudine di giorni, un giorno dopo l’altro.

Noi camminiamo attraverso noi stessi, incontrando ladroni, spettri, giganti, vecchi, giovani, mogli, vedove, fratelli adulterini,
ma sempre incontrando noi stessi.

~James Joyce

~Gente di Dublino - 1914

6 9

🪐🦊 Depuis 80 ans, le apprivoise et ravit petits et grands, en France et à travers le monde. Saint-Exupéry savait qu’on ne voit bien qu’avec le cœur et que l’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux : Paris s’en souvient toujours

7 20

「Braver Beat」現地でWake Up!するのも、全国大会編も諦められんよー!ジタバタ

2 13

Entry - Fading Shouts

As the dreamer traverses the bewildering world of their subconscious, they are confronted with the disquieting realization that they cannot scream or call for help. This experience underscores the dreamer's sense of powerlessness and unease, as they… https://t.co/YgP2icL8JM

2 14

Tree of Courage

This majestic tree stands at the center of a planet that is home to some of the bravest and most courageous beings in the galaxy. Its branches are as strong as steel, and its leaves are said to give those who come into contact with them a surge of and bravery

0 2


1 8

L'art communique à travers les cultures, au-delà de la pensée et au-delà des mots. Conférence Zoom 15 avril 2023. -19h.Paris-Madrid/10h Los Angeles/13h. New York/15h Buenos Aires-Santiago/18h Londres- Inscrivez-vous sur https://t.co/pS6jlO4nZ4

11 15

Le printemps donne toujours envie de légèreté et d’histoire d’amour… Avec I’m in Love with the Villainess, lancez-vous dans une romance LGBTQ pleine d’humour qui saura vous faire passer du rire aux larmes comme les rayons du soleil traversant la pluie amènent un doux arc-en-ciel

6 22

Hui, was haben wir denn hier?
👀 Kleiner Ausschnitt eines "Die Tänzerin des Königs" Acryl-Aufstellers den es bald bei altraverse gibt! *O*
Ein Foto des kompletten Aufstellers findet ihr auf
Mehr Infos zum Gewinnspiel auf https://t.co/27Gt9i7UzT unter >Aktuell< 😍

1 24

Shout out for the fanart of this unnamed Archeinfraverse Plane princess, Hanabelle Bonida! (if I know her twitter lol and xd) Appreciated it! 😇

1 2