LordX (全身練習)

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we ai generated "LEGENDLORDXD" "Cometflamer" "nstudio27" and "lemonadecat"

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This is soooo old and bad so i decided to remake it
now its beatiful
art by:
animation by: Me
Sprites from: Fnf Hell Reborn

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Model on the left by me
Model on the right by
Lord X by

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Sally.Soul concept, Lord X’s Sally.

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he's coming for your balls

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remade the head, and ig now he's finished!
maybe some ideas on what to do with him?

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I made a little Kofuku sketch because I love this goofy goober so much
Kofuku, the Guardian of Joy is by

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here's some lord x art I did for 's game over video :]

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