
28 74

rogier drawing started last month - head in front looks severed but there was going to be a body attached, i just lost track of how to draw this pose. often think i'm making something that's really suggestive but looking at it later, it's not really there.

0 10

what if rogier was actually cool and awesome and a cool cowboy?

3 17

D/Rogier, Modern AU
Sunday morning

76 295

My contribution to the elden ring community
Its really just rogier and ranni whomst i luv, but alberich does have a pointy hat, so i'll simp for him too

13 80

keep wanting to make these thorns nastier but it never quite gets there.

77 164

art isnt agreeing with me today, post vileblood rogier anwyays

9 16

I only need Rogier to pat my head and say I did good.

3 23