Les Trois Danseuses ou la Ronde (1918).

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Lundi, Élisabeth Borne va enchaîner un 4ème 49.3 en 10 jours pour imposer un programme dont personne ne veut.
Tous ceux qui refuseront de les censurer seront complices de la pire attaque contre la démocratie de la Vème République.
On ira vous chercher 🔥

350 600

Aku dah balik yey! Aku langsung ambil alih akunku, mbak Kina sibuk banget makan choco bar mana dah ronde 3...

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sefiltra episodio finald kArmaland 😨😨😨 nolo escucharonde mí☠️☠️

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Perso je conseille le travail de qui bossait bc sur la représentation de tous les corps
et j'ai mon propre perso ronde dont j'ai fait le concept art ? mais c'est vrai que c'est pas facile à trouver. A voir la dernière campagne de Dove que j'ai vu passer

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“La Ronde", 1892
par Camille Pissarro

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Finally, Ecolon takes the form of a young man. His spell is "Rageux'rondelet", containing the french word for "anger" or "hater"(in the gaming sense-). He's impatient, boisterous and pushy, often forcing his whims onto others and leaping into battles.

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Ecolonosuke takes the form of an androgynous (in fact, NB-coded) person dressed for a summer festival. Their spell is "Changer'rondelet", containing the French word for "capriciousness". They're theatrical, charming, lazy but can absolutely pull their weight when it counts.

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Ecolojii takes the form of an Ecolo-ish, old man. His spell is "Joyeux'rondelet", containing the french word for "merriment". He's cheerful, silly and jovial, always fooling around like a kind grandpa. The symbol on his forehead circles through the Chinese fundamental elements.

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Ecolomi takes the form of a little girl. Her spell is "Solitu'rondelet" made from a mangling of the French words for "loneliness" and "Bouncy".
She's quiet, spaces out a lot to cope with her anxieties, feels like nobody cares for her and wants friends really badly

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Deze week.......Nieuwe Ronde , Nieuwe kansen 😃

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✒ Day.7 - Voyage ✒

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"Il freddo infatti era venuto presto.
Si era a mezzo ottobre, e già, dall'altra parte della strada, le fronde dei piccoli tigli che contornavano il cimitero di Santa Maria erano ingiallite."

Thomas Mann
"I Buddenbrook"

🎨Van Gogh

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Thinking about my smol gorl whose paired with Optimus (2nd by @/turrondeluxe )

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» Je n'ai qu'une chose à dire : Bravo les lesbiennes
Voilà donc un fanart de Velma, je suis bien content-e de l'avoir terminée. Je la trouve vraiment mims 🧡💫
Et deso team lunettes ronde ici

RTs appréciés

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Samedi à 14h en salle Manabi, je participe à une table ronde autour du Webtoon avec et les éditions Matin Calme !

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I just wanted to memorialize Ron DeSantis in his shiny, white boots.

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