Rooker was my very first ttrpg character, so for day one of @/snejkha's monstertober prompts, Goblin, it felt right to update his design after so long.

He's taken some levels in Sorcery to talk to his magic talking gemstone. Its fine.

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would i want to live in the current world of my wip? absolutely not. i would, however, LOVE to live in the Afterlands (this may be a spoiler?). 🤪

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'Ao no senshi~Blue Fighter' cuenta con guión de Marley Caribu, seudónimo del malogrado Garon Tsuchiya (Old Boy). ¿Soy yo o nadie más ve cierto parecido entre el protagonista y un joven Michael Rooker? Se dan un aire, ¿a que sí?

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This Thursday Wild Times at is all about
We'll be exploring it's uses, history, benefits to getting creative with sensory lavender bags & maintaining lavender beds
Meet 10am by the Rookery Cafe

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Bertram Richard Brooker, one of Canada's pioneer abstract painters, and a poet, screenwriter, playright and an award-winning novelist.

Sounds Assembling, 1928
Oil on canvas,

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On September 2, 1983, Deathstalker was released!

Fun Fact: Richard Brooker - Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th Part 3 - performs in the film (without a hockey mask) as Oghris.

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Mara is a Fae princess, who surrendered her title to join the royal guard. She lives by an ancient code of knighthood, and eventually became Captain of the Black Rose Guard.

In 1,200 years, she has only loved one man.

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Soo while i'm stuck thinking what should happen next in my writing...
Here is a rough sketch idea of Brooker, mc of phantom divine.

I'm not happy with his clothes yet so it will change

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gee mr.rooker being a milkman must be so cool you must get so many bitches

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This is the scene in the trailers that got me most excited to see the film. So glad got the call to play doctor with Rooker. Also happy to see the “Get DC Comics...” shout out on this movie poster. Wish more movies would promote the source material more.

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Today’s is the Rook,still a work in progress,this sociable bird lives with others in a rookery I think it looks as if it’s buried it’s messy beak in a bowl of porridge.Often thought of as a rather ugly bird I rather like the way they look

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hyacinth brooker, my high elven fighter

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Tweeting a and a day. Gnarled trees outside of

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