I will honestly be pissed if people get mad at pokemaniac having a charizard reference in his shirt, cause, they already have charizard reference in FRLG/RSE AND ORAS, so it really shouldn't be a problem or anything

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先日のPokémon Presentsで公開されたウパー(パルデアのすがた)をRSE風ドットで描きました!

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🟨🟪 GN

Time to slip off into another realm and prepare my limited brain cells for another week. I bid you farewell.

"ENT3R THE METAV3RSE" - 0.06 $ETH 🟪🟨

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ポケモンRSE、ORASより ダイゴです。


『石の煌めき 絆となれ! メタグロス! メガシンカ!!』


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Also, here are the albums that we've released so far:

Mauville Melodies: A Tribute to RSE

Divergent Waves: A Tribute to

Live: A Hero's Tribute to Adventure 2

Learn: A Villain's Tribute to 2

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made a rse style sprite of venat for fun. with the pokeball and all

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🟣🟡🟦 GM 🔹

Another day of rest dawns. Take a minute to disengage your brain from the stresses of reality. It will do you good! Super sunny Sunday to all my NFT fam.

🔹 "ENT3R TH3 METAV3RSE" on Opensea 🟦🟡🟣

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Something I’ve been thinking about
Recent gens of Pokémon REALLY like Clefable. Serena, Lusamine and Kamado all use one and it’s been available in EVERY generation except RSE.

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Rule Boxes have been a thing since way back in Neo Revelation, although at the time they weren't in a box, with Shining Pokemon. RSE's exs and shinies would also have them, then lv Xs and Legends.

Modern cards explicitly say "EX-rule," "GX-rule," etc.

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lady from rse i love the daintiness of her hairdo and outfit...also she carrries her poke balls in a picnic basket that's adorable 9/10

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