Really pleased to have just sold my original spectabilis It always feels lovely when you sell, so a big THANKYOU to the buyer.

You can browse tons of other unframed which are for sale on my website:

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6 Anniversario…



Comming soon❤️

18 191

Rubus idaeus ヨーロッパキイチゴ、バラ科キイチゴ属。ラズベリー、フランボワーズというと本来はこの種を指した。ギリシャ神話では、ゼウスの養母イーデーがこの実を摘もうとして指先を怪我し血を流したためにラズベリーの実は赤くなったという。4世紀には既に古代ローマで栽培されていたという。

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Os Urubus do Ferro-Velho

faz meses que não posto um desenho aqui então uma collab que fiz junto com o grande

quando ele postou esse cenário a uns meses atrás a primeira coisa que me veio a cebeça foi desenhar uma mulecada mal encarada nele

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I made Drawing of Demon OC merubus ~love your work !~

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A tiny merubus for

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We've been plant hunting again for For this week's we're sharing some beautiful by Laurence Perugini (dated 1922), which features bladder campion (Silene vulgaris), red campion (Silene dioica) & blackberry (Rubus fruticosus).

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Tawny the Brawny barbarian - An OTTlantian warrior.
Coal Greathoof - A great big paladin servicing his unicorn lord.
Julian Megaroar - Warrior prince from a fallen kingdom.
Rubus Vanderhorne - A simple farmer with a great gift.

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【告知】2/17 COMITIA127にサークル「Kurubushi」で参加します!希崎ひねも氏( )との合同サークルで私は霧島くんEXの霧えるが死ぬほどイチャイチャする本出します。【西2 に-05b】でお待ちしてます。よろしくお願いします~

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Day 25 is the Beast of Busco! When I lived in Indiana I was in a city not too far from Churubusco, though I never saw any giant turtle cryptids..

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Character belongs to rubusideaus

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I love love love love love love your badges what 😭 here's my boy Rubus💞

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Finished the Arubus(oc) painting I started a few days ago~

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More progress on the Arubus (oc) paint I started the other day.

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