Day 1086 “Doni Tondo” (1507) Michelangelo. Michelangelo was born on this day in 1475. This was painted for a Florentine merchant, Agnolo Doni, whose marriage in 1504 took place in a period that was crucial for early 16th-century Florentine art.

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absolutely crucial, indispensable, so real

13 90

if engstars won’t announce it, i will


this is a unit event, meaning you’ll collect passes so you can play the event song, suisei halation

this story is crucial to ryuseitai’s development over the next two years, so be sure to read it! good luck!

74 365

Energy and Engineering are two crucial industries, especially in this climate of uncertainty.
It is important that messaging to the public is communicated efficiently and clearly.

0 0

Permanently experiencing the excruciating agony of a headshot, forever locked in prayer, the Saint of the Irredeemable was one of the last members of the pre-geneknight antehistoric military, a high-ranking officer. Ascension was his punishment for the crimes he committed.

30 253

Moblit as Sleepy: “Tiredt™️” - . Secretly the MVP during the most crucial times. 🥱😴

0 6

Il desiderio mi brucia/ il desiderio di cose belle/che ho viste e non vissute./Il desiderio mi brucia/e impera ardente e solo/nel mio cuore e nel mio cervello./Desidero tante cose/che ho visto in trasparenza/di musica fiori e profumi./Di luci e brusio strani/che avvicinano

16 32

“...I don't know if it's related to you, but recently, the pain from my karmic debt has been less excruciating. It's much easier to bear than before.”
— Xiao

Xiaolumi page art for

338 1630

Mia pizza sta bruciando!
Esta bacán el juego

4 30

Se lo guardi non te ne accorgi: di quanto rumore faccia. Ma nel buio.. tutto quell’infinito diventa solo fragore, muro di suono, urlo assillante e cieco. Non lo spegni, il mare, quando brucia nella notte.


27 40

Drawing these two together will be excruciatingly difficult in terms of design, but I'll do it one day >w<

0 4

A. Marquet 🇫🇷 "Il Vassoio di rame "1898

E la bellezza non è un bisogno, ma un’estasi. Non è una bocca assetata, né una mano vuota protesa, Ma piuttosto un cuore bruciante e un’anima incantata. Gibran


35 125

im in excruciating pain and can't even stand up without crying to god.

have this etienne.

13 86

AINDA FALTAM 12 DIAS e o SEU APOIO É CRUCIAL para que possamos atingir METAS ESTENDIDAS e melhorar ainda mais a qualidade do projeto!

Além disso, no ÚLTIMO DIA do financiamento: estaremos fazendo uma LIVE DE 24H, onde falaremos sobre MUITA COISA relacionada ao Marcas! (2/4)

12 61

初期不良と思われたCrucialのDDR5 5600メモリは一日かけた検証の結果、周波数設定を手動で3200から試すと最終的に5600でもパスする様に。単純に指し直しなのかスロット位置変更かそれとも周波数設定「自動」が駄目だったのか…とりあえず助かりました

0 2

Ti amo come mangio il pane
spruzzandolo di sale.
Come se alzandomi la notte bruciante di febbre
bevessi l'acqua con le labbra sul rubinetto.
Ti amo come guardo il sacco pesante della posta
Nazim Hikmet


2 3


0 1

Il mare brucia le maschere,
le incendia il fuoco del sale
Uomini pieni di maschere
avvampano sul litorale.
Tu sola, potrai resistere
al rogo del carnevale.
Tu sola che snz maschere
nascondi l'arte di esistere
G. Caproni


6 8