2000 gift point art request: Chibi Xu Rouguang for Kenasha ! I saw a bird in their profile so I put a bird in it, too. Hahahehe

Thank you so much!

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Recent D&D commission by the team. Cool Cat, bird and a Rad elf chick Colours in

5 14

Just starting day 3 of our IGG on Fully funded already and over 24 pages already coloured and lettered.

This is the real deal, check it out.


11 22

Good Morning Sorting out some rough skin tones here of Nikki gettin' out of bed w/ lines by Story

6 36

Can’t wait to look through and follow so,Elmore artists 🖤 I’m Coffee, a artist whose working on a dnd comic! but I post a lot of stand alone stuff.

1 2

as the Witcher fanbase thrives, i might as well share my oldie - Iorveth fanart

12 41

Forgotten Photo

12 41