Grand New Year

haha see what I did there fuck you

14 81

I much prefer posting strips in batches but I can't think of many Spankie strips to do so quickly so this Spankie Strip is all I have to offer you

13 54

ah more to cleanse and bless your otherwise horrid and absurdly lacking timeline

9 72

drawings with our MC's little half sibling with her

Tried some perspective stuff in the second drawing, doesn't seem like it came out too good but I want to post in batches

2 21

More stuff for you. Gonna introduce a new side character, that little girl there in the last strip who'll be the MC's little half sibling

19 109

I bet you can guess what gave me the idea for how this

Anyway, will go on for however long Spankie entertains me

13 72

Big McThankies from McSpankies! 👌

1 5

Big mcthankies from mcspankies! I'm mid redesigning my sona but here she is for noww

0 0

New pfp done by big mcthankies from mcspankies

1 1