Al principio tenía planeado solo dibujar a Dust, pero sentí que le vendría mejor si estuviera a su lado Fidget.
At first I had planned to just draw Dust, but I felt that it would do him better if Fidget were by his side.

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[Belated] Fanart Friday | April 17th, 2020
Fidget - Dust, An Elysian Tail

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A Dan le encanta su bufanda, no te recomiendo tocarlo.


Dan loves his scarf, I don't recommend touching it.

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Y aquí dejo otra ronda de dibujos con una mejora de calidad de imagen.

And here I leave another round of drawings with an improvement in image quality.

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Una versión de captura con mas calidad de estos dibujos antiguos.
A more quality capture version of these old drawings.

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Una versión de captura con mas calidad de estos dibujos antiguos.
A more quality capture version of these old drawings.

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Haven’t drawn my husband Dust in forever so I decided to fix that 💚

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Dapper Stanley has arrived for Tier 2 & 3 Subs.
Thank you! He's perfect!
(If you want adorable emotes, go check out Brittany!)

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Aquí está la Fase final de Red un Nimbat muy simpático.. . .

Here is the final phase of Red, a pleasant Nimbat .. . .

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Stanely, never stop being adorable and gay.

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Still doing those weekly shoutouts, this week I'm shouting out
Who is an instanely talented artist, and I adore their use of colour! Also a super nice person irl!

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Looking forward to another fantastic workshop with at Library on Saturday:

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