These are really beautiful. But why the focus on Andromeda? The ship went against everything we agreed to to have the Earth restored! Heresy for all intents and purposes. Ugh. Y'all don't care. 😒

4 10

А что, если в ремейке Санаду не станут делать отцом года? 🤔

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21 80

NEW part 6 of Yamato: The Lost Journey!
Read on Patreon -
And part 3 is UNLOCKED for FREE -

Thanks for my patrons for support! And to everyone, who read my comic!
Happy New Year!

2 13

Before Space Battleship Yamato: Star Blazers 2199/2202/2205's expanded cast of girls, we had Yamato...GIRLS ;). This image is from a doujin of the titillating variety.

4 11

Я, вероятно, помру в процессе работы над новой частью комикса по Ямато.

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You know that fighter Ol Girl flies in the Starblazers series that came second? I just looked like they hung weapons and missiles off it like crazy? I'm looking for any information that could lead to a pic or at least some lore. Please and thank you 🙏

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Вообще, из-за нового назначения Санады капитаном, уже вроде как неактуально рисовать его в форме инженера. Значит ли, что он больше никогда не наденет форму инженера? Мне нравилась форма.

1 17

Sanada & Hyuga 💙
And dont forget about new part of fan-comic Yamato: The Lost Journey! >>>

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