Ah crap, I'm not seeing dominating my timeline anymore.

Show me some love, teach the algorithm.

(grail post)

186 172

Shout out great community, great project, and dopest pixel art! 🔥💀🔥
Heres a few GUs I sold and miss lol.
(only sold cus I needed the money)
Much love GU! 💙🔥💀💯

42 118

You grabbed a Helmet... only 91, hold it !
Welcome gang !

0 4

I was surprised today by a member of the who gifted me a Literally brought me to tears. Thank you for making me a part of the family again. It's been a wild emotional week. So many scammers but there are still real people who care.

43 158

Warm welcome in the GU Fam' !
Glad to have you in...

1 7

Thank you for your analysis... Nice work !

2 12

Le FAdora is Diamond when fedora is a stone...
Be careful fam only two 'Le Fadora' under 1.
Only 52/9999

8 38