Supermans, digi and realsies

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Superman - Snyder's cut - Museum Masterline

🧮 500es
💸1199USD (ship & tax out)
📆 Q3 2022
⚖️ 19kg

[Product Specifications]
・One (1) themed base
・Two (2) alternate portraits

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“ The only way to know how strong you are is by keep testing your limits. “ Jor- El

“ The one thing I know is that I'm stronger with you by my side.”


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I’ve been drawing some Supermans.

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Wonder came about after I watched Megamind and thought Roxanne should have been given the super powers instead. Supermans build inspired Wonders too!

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I don't really notice it until now but, the future state wonder woman has a green lantern ring around her neck, batmans utility belt, and i think supermans cape. What is that suppose to mean?

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More Alfred badass moments. Cause Batman's butler is amazing. He has beaten supermans ass before

He was a british special agent for awhile.

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Beautiful art from the best Superman comic I've read in a long time, 'Superman Smashes the Klan' by Gene Luen Yang and Gurihiru

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A bundle of exploratory Supermans. Superman gains a child of angels, sad wet beach Superman, Superman and Superboy with hearts, Superman and holy companion

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WTF!?? This Superman story by "Bendis" is one of "THE WORST" Superman stories i have ever read.. If you want to "re-introduce" the red trunks, then this is definitely NOT the way how to do it 😭😭..

PS: TF is wrong with Supermans face? He Looks like "Simple Jack"

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Since there's probably not going to be any good news at I wanted to post some happy Supermans I've done 😉

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What is your favorite alternate Superman Costume?! And does it require trunks?!?

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the way he just completely ignores that supermans trying to laser his head off

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