Furufumi has experienced many worlds through fiction, but it has on the other hand made him weary of the real world, unconsciously planting thoughts of hostility into the people around him, making him want to withdraw even further.

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A young man by the name of Moritaka walks down the path of the warrior in memory of his late family. He is dedicated to his training and with the friends around him will continue to grow.

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Where there is money to be made, Andvari is sure to be. His mind for business is in a league of its own and he's constantly coming up with new ideas to make his money hoard larger.

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It's a new year, and it's the Year of the Tiger, so who's more fit to be the first out this time than the competitive-minded tigress Durga?

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Stepping up into the spotlight of the stage, Idol Angel Gabriel greets her loving fans once more, eager to cheer them up with her lovely songs.

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Christmas is just around the corner and helping his school prepare for the Holy Night is the ever dream-chasing Santa apprentice Yule.

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A true loner, the one named Kirito comes and goes like an ominous fog, leaving no trace of his presence. To him no one can be trusted and if they have no monetary compensation he sees no reason to stick around.

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Ose of the Agents is suave and a master of disguise, in fact he is so efficient at it he could be the next person you meet and you wouldn't even know it.

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Drifting from world to world, Robinson continues the hunt for Shadows like those before him did. He's capable to handle things himself, yet he longs to show his dependability to those he grows near.

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Living a bit of a double life, Jambavan finds himself taking on more than he probably should, though he also finds himself rather unable to say no when told to do things.

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Alongside her bear companion and her beloved March Hare, Alice walks in the lane of dreams as she sees and knows that which many do not. Should anyone notice her, she'll surely invite them to a wonderful, out of this world tea party.

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While a private investigator first and foremost, Nomad is no slacker when it comes to what he can do as a jack-of-all-trades. All of it in the quest for vengeance on those who did him dirty.

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Today's brings us Choji Iimori, a fellow classmate with a passion for all forms of culinary arts. To him, any struggle that comes with a dish will be worth it if the recipient enjoys it.

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He's friendly, he's fluffy, he's doing his best to become a better guard dog with each passing day and his name is Cu Sith. He sometimes think of his old master, but for this he's just enjoying the moment.

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Toji, who previously lived in the shadows, has stepped into the spotlight for this week's He may be a skilled fighter, though his social skills are still lacking. Thankfully he now have supportive friends to help him.

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Nothing can, and nothing ever will, destroy the love Ophion have for his wife, no matter where they may be or what form they may take. is just any other day to continue his ways of showing affection.

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He certainly doesn't have the strongest opinions on the protagonist, or at the very least not the strongest *positive* ones, but Aizen is not shy to share them, not even for this week's

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We've reached six months of weekly drawings and making a fiery entrance this week is the Loyal One, Tadatomo, one of my early personal favorites.

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Ain't no mountain high enough to stop Zao from climbing it, not now on this not ever.

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While Tsathoggua may not be the most physically active person out there, if there's something he's active in, it is indulging in his hobbies, like gaming for example, which he is even for this week's

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