The latest is now live! To hear us talk about sign up for the Avengers Tower Tier of our Patreon today!

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Le des de conserve une intéressante collection d'œuvres d'art, souvent en lien avec la (École de et l'activité maritime de la ville (#peinture de Légendes des photos :

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my recent doodles :] my friend forced me to draw him and my :D

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First words that come to mind for the letter W: whale, walrus, wolf, world, wren. Watercolour and ink
De engelske ordene som kommer til meg for bokstaven W: hval, hvalross, ulv, verden, gjerdesmett. Akvarell og blekk

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My favorite character I've written atm is Taven. He's a pyromancer still learning a lot about his powers, there's many things he still can't do, but he's determined to learn and doesn't let his insecurity halt his strength. He's in a wheelchair due to an accident in his past.

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I do, he is also in my first book. His name is Taven and he's one of my favorite characters that I've created 🥰 he doesn't let his leg paralysis stop him from being strong, confident & doing the things he wants to do. He is one of Sam's biggest crushes, second only to one other.

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Albertonykus and Albertavenator

Partly dedicated to

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And even though Ultron Mark 12 survived long enough to save his father, Hank Pym, he couldn’t save himself. And that’s how Hank Pym lost Ultron, the only family he had left!

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And while the West Coast Avengers are visiting the Cat Dimension, Hank Pym is rediscovering a relationship with his formerly villainous son, Ultron Mark Twelve!

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🙋‍♀️ La presència de les dones en els noms de 📍 carrers de segueix sent molt baixa, però poc a poc va augmentant: al 2015 representaven el 6,9% dels carrers, i al 2021 ja arriba al 8%!


Foto de , 📸 Fialdro, 1900-1910

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Character designs that I did of my DND Rogue, Tavendra Stubbs.

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You didn't think we where done with maids right? 👀

Well then, let us give a warm welcome to Mika, one of the maids of TavenMaid Idle! 🥰🥰

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My favorite character is not Sam in my book, my favorite character in JUDD is Taven. He's fun, resilient, and doesn't ever let his disability be the thing to hold him back. He has power over fire, he can manipulate it, but not create it.

Art from my commission artist & from me

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📅El dijous 17 de febrer, a les 19h30, a la Casa de la Cultura tindrà lloc la taula redona "15 anys de l'Aixopluc" a càrrec dels membres que estaven al capdavant del CJX en els anys 2003 - 2007 i de l'autor de l'Aixopluc.

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