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Morten Morland
The Sunday Times
London, UK, February 26, 2023
#russiaisaterroriststate #StandWithUkriane #cartoon #caricature #satire
Усе, що вони в нас забрали, ми, якщо не повернемо, то змусимо їх відплатити за це подвійною, потрійною, будь-якою ціною. Таким як вони, вбивцям, немає право на життя.
Ми переможемо. Слава Україні! 💙💛
#RussiaIsATerroristState #Ukraine #украрт #УкрАртПідтримка #артКозацтво
As you are reading this text, #ToomajSalehi a courageous Iranian rapper, has been under severe torture in solitary confinement for more than 110 days.
Please mentionhis name in your concerts and social media.
Your support can save his life
Iranian rapper, #ToomajSalehi, who supported #IranRevolution and protested against the IR crimes, has been kidnapped and arrested by #IRGCterrorists for more than 110 days.
He has been under severe torture ever since and his life is in serious danger.
Be his voice.
@solid_fist @VeraVanHorne The Zionist imperialism🇺🇸🇬🇧🇮🇱, by creating proxy wars, supporting the Salafist-Wahhabi terrorists and creating politics of division, want to bring the world into chaos and international war and get the most profit without spending their money and entering the war they themselves.
I seriously need to draw my boy Karako today
He's all over my Pinterest and I can't get enough of this lil terrorist jelly bean
Час запостити це ще раз
рік незламності та сліз
#UkraineRussianWar #Ukraine #UkraineWar #RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState #RussiaUkraineWar #Україна #украрт
Я хотіла присвятити цьому дню більше уваги, зробити щось, що відгукнулося б у серцях українців, які щодня борються за свою свободу і життя, але в мене не вистачило сил і часу, щоб підготувати щось особливе.
Рік війни.
Я пам'ятаю кожну секунду, кожне слово з цього моменту. Час згладжує травмуючі моменти, але я все ще можу відтворити це в пам'яті, як зараз.
Нижче буде тред світлин з минулого лютого.
#украрт #арткозацтво #УкрАртПідтримка #standwithukraine #russiaisaterroriststate
#US always seems to fund/arm #fascist #terrorists in their #ProxyWars. Weird, huh?
@Maryaristizabal Colombia está en manos de terroristas, corruptos y marihuaneros
This child is #SaraShirazi.
She was physically attacked by one of the supporters of the Islamic regime for not wearing the hijab .
Islamic regime has threatened her family that if they protest, their daughter will have the fate of
Rīt, 24. februārī aprit gads, kopš Krievija sāka plašu uzbrukumu Ukrainai. @LatvijasAvize https://t.co/FDW6HoHpZY #StandWithUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState
Christian Adams
The Evening Standard
London, UK, February 21, 2023
#putinspeech #comedy #russiaisaterroriststate #StandWithUkriane #cartoon #satire
Jakurai Jinguji, a.k.a. ill-DOC, is a doctor, former member of Kujaku Posse and The Dirty Dawg and the current leader of Matenrō. He is a genius doctor, once under contract to eliminate terrorists, he became a doctor to atone for his sinful way of life.
@Gerashchenko_en Conscription letters in the post for these guys
Ludger in Tales of Xillia 2
The universe hates Ludger
-20M in debt
-Branded as a terrorist
-Your old classmates fear you
-Destroy other universes or prison
-Have to kill the girl you rescued
-Kill your surrogate daughter's father
-Kill your brother
-Kill yourself https://t.co/52EEbxhi2R
#IRGCterrorists #IranianRevolution
#MahsaAmini #MahsaRevolution
'Mahsa Revolution' by Emad Hajjaj:
@MarlonNFTs 🔴#russiaisaterroriststate🔴
only today russians hit a public transport stop in Kherson, there are dead and wounded