Here is my Exorcist painting straight 😊

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The Exorcist ..... CAUTION:Flashing image!!!! I hope you like my latest piece.... it has a surprise! 🖤

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My current header. The very lovable from (on a really amazing tv show, ended much too soon, and I'm asking you all to go watch it asap ! You will fall in love💛#TheExorcist
➡️Tumblr :

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Now Watching: Beyond The Door AKA The Devil Within Her AKA Chi Sei? (1974) Dir: Ovidio A. Assonitis

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The Exorcist (1973)

Joey Chou
Jean-Sebastien Rossbach
Matt Ryan
Chris Garofalo

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Cursed Films – New documentary series looks at the cursed horror film productions. Trailer and details here

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Stuntman Chuck Waters doubling Jason Miller as Father Karras in the film a fall from the window and a long fall down a steep flight of steps with a small piece of rubber attached to each step by the Art Department

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The Exorcist (1973) Dir William Friedkin.

The Empire of Light, II (1950) René Magritte.

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Some drawings for a project in class

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