So jesus peasus I got a lot of versions of this bad bitch right here ay. So after the pencil sketch they are just 2 coloured versions with a brighter tone. But ye hope you lads and or lasses enjoy.

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「What you can do is run.(諸君にできる事は一つ、逃走だ。)」
 ――― アサシン・プレデター

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I wasn't going to colour the Samurai Predator but then after staring at it long enough I decided I would colour it. And just as it looked slick as a sketch it looks mighty fine as a coloured drawing.

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So I decided why not merge 40k and Predators. And designed a Predator with a more 40k theme in mind. Such the Bio Mask looking like a Space Marine Helmet and the Plasma Caster looking like a Plasma Gun from 40k. And threw more armour on the bloke.

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Oh boy what a treat 3 images in the past 3 days, aren't I awesome. Anyway we got Mr. Black or the Berserker Predator what ever you want to call him.

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The Predator everyone. I did finish this one last night. But didn't want to post it till my video was uploaded. Want to watch me create this one? watch it here --->

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