Hey, ! I've created FREE artwork in an effort to help elect and help take back the Senate for - for more info go to this link, download and print your own signs: https://t.co/BU9T4Q6zHC

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Goodnight 💤 Resisters

Hang in there. Just 48 more days until we start counting down to Joe’s inauguration.#BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica

24 60

Slowly but surely ... the Trump fascist administration sinks under the weight of their war on science, their war on women, crazy conspiracies & an insane amount of lies!

9 27

Everyone remember to VOTE You Bernie fans please make sure you vote! We have to change what is happening in our country. Please VOTE! We need you to help get the orange wanker out of office and put someone in who will lead us.

0 1

We NEVER had armed forces attacking and kidnapping American citizens in the middle of American cities when and were in the like we do now under


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