Based in the UK so probably not much effect on things but if anyone in America is listening, please vote for the lesser evil on this occasion.
On behalf of an exhausted world, please.

11 33

I know RBG was 87 but DAMN why now? I so wish she could have seen a competent president get elected in November. Please honor her by going and voting.

4 17

Trump is all in now. He's doubled down ... he's tripled down. He's opening schools in the face of a ! He's going to excel in DEATH like nobody before. Trump will !

209 342

"First Kiss" 30"×40"oils on stretched canvas

must unite now more than ever before. 103 days till November 3rd

0 0

I hope voters recognize that is incompetent and not qualified for the job

131 242

Remember to vote on November 3 and end this nightmare

50 116

The rule of law and our democracy is being ripped apart!: “The Antidote is Citizenship” 👆🏽👀

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