. is leading the Air and Missile Defense effort for the and is focused on key S&T projects that support the Army’s strategy. CCDC AvMC is developing and demonstrating LowER AD, an air defense interceptor smaller and more affordable than the Patriot missile.

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Charge feita a pedido dos companheiros venezuelanos.

Lembrar Alí Primeira e sua música é verbalizar um presente de luta e apontar para um futuro dignamente humano

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アメリカ海軍(United States Navy)特殊任務所属のシェリンガムくん(紺の水着)とチップチェイスくん(黒の水着)。双子。性格はガムくんは人懐っこくてお喋り。チップくんは内気で人見知り屋さん。いつも二人で行動している。海軍所属だから水泳は得意中の得意。

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What’s this!? More fanart!? with some p2 delirious in the back, gasp!.

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According to my sources, No or servicemen are killed in Ain al-Asad due to Operation None of 6 Qiam-1s launched from at have hit their targets! 5 missed targets & one of them was shot-down by C-RAM!

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I was given a challenge by a friend a while ago to draw her in anime style. So... I did :). she really liked it.

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