Valero. My first and favourite original character. Oh she getting her comic very soon pal 👊🏼
Follow on patreon (link in bio)

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Buk. Another original Character from Valero. A monster of an opponent who wil stop at nothing to destroy whatever is in front of him. Beast.

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The finished sample page for Valero. This is what the comic will look like inside the cover on the actual pages! So excited to start production next month!
Follow on Patreon (link in bio)

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I’m starting a comic next month called Valero with a little help from patreon. All my patreons have a comic book character in the named after them. Link in bio to join!

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Starting production on Valero next month. A battle for the power source that the last three planets that exist so desperately need

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ZWONIMIR (Bdgest) Une très très belle surprise, un superbe polar dans les années troubles du Franquisme espagnol, On se laisse porter par une narration fluide, un découpage structuré magnifié par le dessin et les couleurs de Teresa VALERO, scénario soigné …..

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Tributo a Las Valerosas Mujeres Emprendedoras de Venezuela y el Mundo, son Las Grandes Mártires y Heroínas de La Historia Humana. Por El Artista Plástico Victor M. Martinez. Apoye y patrocine mi obra. 💫🇻🇪💫

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👀| by

A bracing journalistic thriller, set in 1956 Madrid. Revealing the lengths the Francoist regime was willing to go to in its attempts to stifle any form of dissent.

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Ese día los japoneses dejaron de ser mortíferos guerreros despiadados pero valerosos. Y se pusieron a dibujar hentai con niñas

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Final design for Marher, big fucking axe, silver hair and all the combat skills for sure
If you want to see all the characters in Valero follow on patreon

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Rafiq. A big ol alien with a big ol gun. OC from Valero. Process video of this and more only on patreon (link in bio)

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A design sheet for Blair an OC from my debut comic Valero releasing late this year 🙌🏻
Follow on patreon (link in bio)

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Best fantasy illustrations I've done so far. It's based on
Pathfinder iconic character Valeros.

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FFXIV character: Domitien Valeroyant

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meus cavalero tao mais fofo u.u

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Tout ce qui reste de nous - Rosemary Valero-O’Connell

Ok, il me le faut dans ma bibli perso. Les pages sont des oeuvres d’art à part entières et l’ensemble fait l’effet d’un rêve doux-amer duquel on se réveille empli de mélancolie ❤️

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