💚#Vecpioweek💜 Day 5: Date

Vec is telling Esp that he can order more than just a drink this time, HOORAY!

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Commission 67 for Vec! :)

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Be gentle with tiny Vec. Even though I'm extremely durable XD

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f(v) fract(v.x-sin(v.y*.7))
g(v) vec3(f(v.xy),f(v.yz),f(v.yx))
vec2 p=(FC.xy-.5*r)/r.y*10.;
vec2 q=abs(p);
vec3 c=g(g(g(vec3(p,12.*max(max(q.x,q.y+q.x*.7),q.y-q.x*.7)))));


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Vec je najlepšia...som kedysi spravil taký menší fanart, no potom som našiel pár podobných,a že týmto smerom neuvažujeme len ja, tak to moc neukazujem😀

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side notes: i don’t want to be called paper anymore. my fursona doesn’t have a name now, he is just my fursona... a representation of me. please use “harpy” or “vec” when you refer to me in the future. ^^ (3/6)

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void mainImage(out vec4 F,in vec2 R){vec2 uv=(2.*R-iResolution.xy)/iResolution.y*5.;uv*=mat2(cos(0.7867*(floor(length(floor(uv))))-vec4(0,33,11,0)));uv=fract(uv)-.5;float d=uv.x+abs(uv.y)+floor(sin(iTime*1.5)*3.)/15.;F+=(abs(d)-0.15)*16.*vec4(1.,0.2,0.11,1.);}

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New Vec x MI x Pheelz premiering on BBC 1Xtra tonight. Moves we love to see for Naija 🇳🇬 Hiphop.

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for(float i,g,e,s,k=t*.1;++i<99.;o.rgb+=hsv(s/15.+.5,.3,s/1e3)){vec3 p=vec3(g*(FC.xy-.5*r)/r.y+.5,g-1.);p.xz*=rotate2D(k);s=3.;for(int i;i++<9;p=vec3(2,4,2)-abs(abs(p)*e-vec3(4,4,2)))s*=e=max(1.,(8.-8.*cos(k))/dot(p,p));g+=min(length(p.xz),p.y)/s;s=log(s);}

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o=abs(FC.yxxy*2.-r.yxxy)/r.y;for(int i=0;++i<7;o=o.ywzx/dot(o,o)+sin(vec4(1,.7,.4,2)*t)*o.yzwx-o);o=floor(abs(o))*.1;

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for(float i,g,e,s;++i<99.;o+=sin(vec4(4,18,53,1)+log(s))/e/5e4){vec3 p=vec3(g*(FC.xy-.5*r)/r.y,g-3.);p.xz*=rotate2D(t*.3);s=4.;for(int i;i++<7;p.y-=10.)p.xz=.8-abs(p.xz),p.x<p.z?p=p.zyx:p,s*=e=2.5/clamp(dot(p,p),.1,1.2),p=abs(p)*e-1.;g+=e=length(p)/s+.001;}

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A few of my favs! Jake the shark, Vec the synth, Kor the fungal dragon, and Duke my first OC and fab dad dragon!

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And here's Vec...

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Fuck it. What voice actor would voice Vec?

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float i,g,e;for(vec3 p,d=vec3(((FC.xy-.5*r)/r.y),1);++i<80.;e<3e-3?o.xyz+=vec3(2.,.6,.2)/i:p){p=g*d+vec3(0,0,8);p*=rotate3D(t*.1,vec3(1,10,0));g+=e=length(vec3(sin(p.x),cos(p.y)+pow(abs(sin(p.y)),sin(2.*t)*2.+3.),sin(p.z)))-1.;}

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f(v) fract(min(-.02,sin(v.x))-log(v.y)*.5)
g(v) vec3(f(v.xy),f(v.yz),f(v.zx))
void main(){
vec2 p=(gl_FragCoord.xy*2.-r)/r.y;
vec3 v=g(g(g(vec3(p.y,length(p),sin(atan(p.y,p.x)*5.)))));

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WarriorsWiki has a new administrator, VectorSigma101! They joined the wiki in 2016 and previous served as a content moderator. They will also be helping run the Twitter page. Say hello to Vec () everyone!

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word2vecとpoincare embeddingsの差分を可視化してみた

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