The pain was music, dancing, in your eyes. You swore the was a toothache. But your jaw was living
They say you lived, awake until the spiders emerged.

Art: Spiderbaby, D4rkharlequin

5 12

Take care when you are Between - boundaries, are arbitrary.
Wandering borderlands, third spaces or crossroads - hold your convictions.
Strange lines, like between flora and fauna (or where sentience begins), can collapse when you are alone.

43 158

Winter whispered into our homes and we'd underestimated its bellwether portent of woe. Avarice wept on our fortresses, blizzards made roads into 1/3

6 36

He caressed the frayed,
our Devil's hatter,
darker than Plath's poetry,
deeper than sadness' tatter,
dust on one's skin
and silk on another,
his and hers
hidden in dusk
between damask silk walls
where light won't bother.

9 41