I sing the rite of passage. From the depths, the arises, tidal waves dancing in his wake.

"#Lyrical-ly," he boomed, "#flawless. But... a bit pitchy."

"Shall I try again?"

"No, Gods, anything but that. Please, pass!"

2 29

I planned this.

Humanity? A stain upon the galaxy.

Now, with such reliance on technology,it's child's play to signals,and insert subliminal messages to self-#sacrifice.

The is delicious.

2 48

Karma, 'what if's' of 'could of been' channeled
the voice that listens...dreams fate
from side to side, fair and wide she wanders
pursuing larger view of situations that may seem shadowed
judgement she now shall pass
am I getting through
seems to me it's

7 16

Sapphires eyes peered from the hedges on Atom Rd. They lazed about like a dragon wakened from a nap, sparks growing by the hr to be cheated by rain's bedimming cataracts. I'm left w/ their legacy of curiosity.

5 74

Winter whispered into our homes and we'd underestimated its bellwether portent of woe. Avarice wept on our fortresses, blizzards made roads into 1/3

6 36

Silver-heather wings
dust the almond sky
fluttering in wild winds
the indigo edge
lusting in crimson rays
of sunlight...

🎨 Noreen Jehangir

36 138

Each page heard was a fragrant sigh. They roused sacred spirits into the air and forged opportunities to make friends with what could've remained foreign. I made it a...#MondayFic 1/2

6 46

We fell with eventide, becoming torpid after hours of laughter over dark chocolate fondue. I was besotted with how rich his smile was. It carried no past hurt yet included all... 1/2

9 42

The brumous limbo of winter held the warmest days and nights. Gentle sun-fire on my skin, skies abundant with stars, and intoxicating fondness uncovered past an open door.

7 32

"The best lives are lived w/ simple heart," Halmeoni said. "All are leaders and sheep cresting opulence as feathery snow, all may fall w/ wonder or sorrow, all may melt... 1/2

14 47

We can't get refunds on bad moments or omit the motley of sorrows and confusion they'd stored in our hearts, but we can allow spiritual king vultures with their... 1/2

10 65

Dec. 28, 2020:

"If a creature with should scratch you in a dream, an enemy will triumphed over you; but should it run away or fly, your enemies are powerless."

7 17

I would like to thank our writing prompt host, , for providing the best word prompts on Twitter!

I have enjoyed reading everyone's stories! They inspire me daily! Thank you!

3 12