MRT An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. - Gandhi

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How "Meditation Works When Your Mind Doesn't"

Some simple meditation encouragement to help you get to "Heaven"– an from (Without Really Dying)

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The Rainbow Labyrinth, 2008, 130x 90cm.
Rainbow messages, have given me hope throughout my life, even though I didn't quite understand them. Hence, the

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Are you stuck in a cellphone bubble of delusion
...that makes you feel "safe" and isolated? Time to get perspective from outside of the bubble!

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Can We start the Weekend over again...I wasn’t Ready...
Love, Gertie the Bulldog ❤️🐾🐶🐾

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My idea of Healthy Eating is blowing the Sugar off my Donut...
Besides...I don’t count calories on the weekend...
Love, Gertie the Bulldog ❤️🐾🐶🐾

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The More Your Eyes Open, the More Sacred You See

An excerpt from (Without Really Dying), from the chapter 'Recognize the Sacred in Everything, and Surprise! Become a Whole Lot Happier"

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Create an 'Awesome Weekend' State of Mind.
Awesome Day, Awesome Life, Awesome World.

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Are you stuck in a cellphone bubble of delusion...
...that makes you feel "safe" and isolated? Time to get perspective from outside of the bubble!

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How "Meditation Works When Your Mind Doesn't"
some simple meditation encouragement to help you get to "Heaven."
an from (Without Really Dying)

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The Simple Cure to All Our & Divisions:

it's all in a little trick of grammar...excerpted from (Without Really Dying), Wisdom From a Near Death Survivor

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A useful metaphor for experiencing and

The is a spiritual elementary school (and there's trouble going on) – so how can we deal with it best?

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How "Meditation Works When Your Mind Doesn't"
some simple meditation encouragement to help you get to "Heaven."
an from (Without Really Dying)

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Are you stuck in a cellphone/media/TV bubble of delusion...
...making you feel constantly anxious or isolated? Time to get perspective from outside of the bubble!

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Listening to your heart IS the answer!

We just have to listen—How our (cognitive) heart actually does our most reliable thinking!

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After the Election, a metaphor to consider: The is a spiritual elementary school (that happens to be on fire...), how to deal with it?

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