# illustration spring springtime animalillustration childrensillustration whimsicalillustration kidlit childrensbooks decorativeillustration animals marionacabassa workbookillustrator workbookartist editorialillustration literature fantasyillustration scifi sciencefiction portrait portraitillustration conceptualillustration steventabbutt morgangaynin brandingillustration skatingculture skateboardbrand surfacedesign skateboarding globe globebrand skating illustrator design graphic maxloeffler debutart childrensbook selfesteem selfconfidence empathy learnthroughplay ukgifthour ukgiftam giftideas smallbiz sundaymorning educational artists advertising commercialillustration professionalillustration nurturegnomes emotions childrensmentalhealthmatters edutwitter itsgoodtotalk learning affirmations colouring art drawingart feelingproud food celebrate vectorillustration graphicillustration narrative conceptual illustragram creativedirector workbookillustrators workbookartists encanto encantomovie encantodisney disneyanimation awardwinner awardwinningillustration bordercrisis immigrationcrisis covid pandemic loss goodandevil miriammartincic illustrationzone societyofillustratorsny jessicagibson whimsicalillustrations childrens childrensbookillustration colourcollective flamingopink polarbear snow animal picturebook handlettering pink animation holiday winter misifanart misimasuktv tgif margaritatime digitalillustration workbookillustration dxeillustrator illustrators beverages emmaschonenberg puckselders loridanellewilson alyssakays abbyjacobs textiledesign patternillustration coverillustration magazinecovers

Yadi Liu is NEW to Workbook! Yadi is an award-winning visual artist, born in China and is now based in New York City. Her unique abstract style is characterized by curvy shapes and strong, vibrant colors. Most of her artworks are produced using digital media or chalk pastel.....

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Eek! After having to re-do booklet to the right size, it's now been sent to the printers 😍😍 will be available soon!

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Dhanraj Emanuel believes sharing is a fundamental way for us to connect, understand, and each other.

As he explains, "My photographs seek to highlight these meaningful connections between people and food."

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Designs/ workbook for two flashback shots for movie.

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I also made a workbook to help freelancers define their Ideal Client profile.

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NEW to Workbook, creates adorable, like these for content. Exuding warmth, wonder and joy, Jessica is the go to for your children's projects,

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Ok, so my friend Theo wrote The Trans Self Care Workbook, which is a thoughtful, kind, fun book by a trans author for other trans folks, which came out a while ago. Compare that to the brand new today TERF-funded, goddamn color-picked book released today. https://t.co/3ktrCVDgqq

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's work is simply gorgeous. His work appeared in the summer issues of for their summer house-ads. See if you can spot Paul's pup in the illustrations. Rep:

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Misi boys versi Miso to chase off the monday blues.
i'm celebrating my last days of free time, afterthis kena pulun workbook urgh.

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