Aujourd'hui c'est la journée mondiale de lutte contre le Pour répondre aux questions des sur le rendez-vous sur le, dans les archives de l'hebdo.

14 7

Trois bandes dessinées pour parler du SIDA

4 2

remains one of the most important global public health issues in recorded history. As we commemorate the WORLD AIDS DAY today, play your part, dress the part, to ensure a healthy and safe world.

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【今年もこの季節がやって参りました】WorldAIDSDay2017 「二人でお茶を」 (入場無料・要事前予約) 作:関根信一(劇団フライングステージ) 演出:町田誠也(劇団words of hearts)出演:サイトータツミチ、Wキャスト:柴野嵩大、長枝航輝(クラアク芸術堂)

15 16

So Durex creates an interesting Emoji to raise sexual health awareness on v

1 1

In 1986 Niki de Saint Phalle published her 1st book about today on we remember her initiative >

5 8

iconic contribution to AIDS visibility and culture in 1987: their AIDS logo, for

7 7

Help end the stigmatisation against HIV/Aids

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วันนี้เป็น "วันเอดส์โลก"
“ตรวจเร็ว รักษาเร็ว ยุติเอดส์”

10 4

Stay informed, protected and safe! is today.

1 3

Kissing and Hugging don't spread HIV .
Ignorance does . !! Donate

12 9


―ミシェル・シディベ 国連合同エイズ計画事務局長

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