The disabled character of is...

Mia Dearden, better known as Speedy!

After escaping her abusive home and living on the streets since she was eleven, later sharing a home with an abusive pimp, she tested positive for HIV at fifteen while in Green Arrow's care.

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Today is a global awareness day held annually on December 1 to commemorate those affected by HIV/AIDS. I want to aknowledge and thank the legacy of the late great Elizabeth Taylor today, who dedicated the later years of her life to fight this battle 💜

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Our warmest wishes go out to everyone on this By spreading awareness and hope, we can end the epidemic and create a world without AIDS in the future. Let's wear a ribbon to support people living with

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There’s still more to do remove the stigma.

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Today I wear a red ribbon
I wear it to remember lost loved ones
And to demonstrate that I’m there for those that remain.
I wear it to continue to fight the stigma associated around HIV & AIDS

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International day to raise awareness and to mourn those that have sadly passed. xx

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i always stand up for that day , it means a lot to me 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈

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Daniel Arzola
En el día internacional de la lucha contra el SIDA. Recuerdo que vivimos en realidades donde no todo el mundo tiene acceso a medicamentos, donde el estigma aún separa a las personas, donde millones esperan una cura.

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People living with HIV are at a high risk of COVID-19 complications.

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Know your status. End Inequalities, End AIDS....

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Today is a day to raise awareness to fight and the associated with it. And remembering the trailblazing star who raised her voice when no one else dared.

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needs to be discussed, remembered & education of others

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Even in my comics work, I try to do my part to tackle the stigma that still persists around HIV. That’s a big part of what makes Bear special to me in The Pride, as he shows a HIV+ man who is wise, sweet, charming and also tough as nails

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Today on World Aids Day, we are encouraged by to

World AIDS Day is the perfect time for us to destigmatise HIV & AIDS and raise much needed awareness about them both! Go to to find out more ❤️

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Today marks World AIDS Day 2021. We have made a list of some fantastic organisations which are working tirelessly to end the stigma surrounding HIV.

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