I wonder what relationship does Blackbeard and Xebex?

Blackbeard's pirate ship is called "Saber of Xebec" and they do look kinda similar? 👀

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On the 10th of January 2000, the 1st episode of Candidate for Goddess aired. Based on the manga by Yukiru Sugisaki (DN Angel), it was produced by Xebec & ran for 12 eps. Both anime & manga are notorious for ending just as the story was getting started.

Happy 21st Anniversary 🎉

19 91

With Wonder Egg Priority coming soon, i though i would dig into my doujin collection to find if i had anything related to Shin Wakabayashi
It seems i had with the Super Young series, books i didn't really understood where they came from, but it's as simple as Xebec rising talents

13 45

On the 6th of January 2001, the 1st episode of Zoids: New Century Zero aired. The 2nd Zoids anime & produced by Studio Xebec, the series ran for 26 episodes. A couple of Zoids from this series would debut in SRW OE (PSP) in 2013.

Happy 20th Anniversary 🎉

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私らしく<New Version>/ミスマル・ユリカ(桑島法子)/機動戦艦ナデシコ お洒落倶楽部 [作詞:松浦有希 作曲・編曲:松浦有希,吉田潔][(XEBEC)機動戦艦ナデシコ EDアレンジ]

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Irregular Hunter X (イレギュラーハンターX) was released 15 years ago for PSP in Japan (December 15, 2005). The Day of Σ, a 25-minute long OVA animated by Xebec was included with the game.

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Happy Birthday🎂Scotch and Rock D. Xebec!

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『蒼穹のファフナー THE BEYOND 第七話~第九話』



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Chikashi Kubota efforts for the Gainax HP starting in 2003 with an original drawing.

Kubota entered the studio at the request of his friend Sushio before that he started out at Xebec where he worked on Zoids & Daiguard... Is first job was on Sushio's Mahoromatic (AD debut).

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En el capítulo 957 se supo que Rocks D. Xebec fue capitán de Edward Newgate (más tarde conocido cómo Shirohige) cuando este era joven, pero ¿Cómo os quedáis si os digo que Oda en el capítulo 576 (10 años antes) ya nos dejó una pista sobre este hecho?

Abro hilo.

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Shaman King's Character Designs would fall to Akio Takami (高見明男), who was easily one of the more dependable supervisors and designers at Xebec during the late 90's and Early 2000's

overall, the adaptive designs were in very safe hands.

8 32

Today was a good day. at long last, I got to complete one of the biggest booru tasks I've wanted to complete for a long time... fixing the uploads for one of Xebec's most overlooked shows:

The Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye.

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22 - Full Metal Panic!

Gonzo (saison 1)
Kyoto Animation (saison 2 et 3)
Xebec (saison 4)
2002 (saison 1)
2003 (saison 2)
2005 (saison 3)
2018 (saison 4)
Koichi Chigira (saison 1)
Yasuhiro Takemoto (saison 2 et 3)
Katsuichi Nakayama (saison 4)

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In the short time between the Intro episodes and the final Negima! anime series by XEBEC, the characters went through many cosmetic changes and we have a list comparing them all!


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「ブレイク ブレイド」は「宇宙戦艦ヤマト2199」など、2010年代のXEBECさんとのお仕事のご縁の嚆矢にもなりました。大切な、とても大切なタイトルです。

12 32

BanG Dream! 3ーEP 1
It started off with a *bang*! For those who have only seen season one, Sanzigen took over for Xebec during season two & made it much better! Tonal consistency, good writing, Sanzigan’s BanG Dream has it all (& Yukina X Lisa baitーOTP✨)!

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⚔️XEBEC Avi collection⚔️

RT and LIKE plz


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