some deets bcs i spent way too much time on this to be lost to zoom. proud of my little bush shadows.

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He just logged into Zoom. My White Whale. is on 22 Panels. Conversation will be available tonight at 7pm CDT.
Wherever you get your podcasts.

2 7

Just another I doodled a stream ago~
Big-paws lynx-type with anime hair.

Been a while since I posted anything, huh? :1
I should at least be throwing my tiles on here...

96x160px. at 3xzoom. 3 colours.

4 9

Had a great afternoon hanging out with and the pride on zoom. Great to put some faces to the names!! This is what community is about. ✨✨Amazon the Lioness was my first collectible ever that I purchased a year ago. My NFT Lion fam.

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it was such an enormous file for no good reason that these are at FIFTY PERCENT ZOOM. its not even 100%!! anyway shout out to color jitter its the real mvp for painting iridescent feathers

0 8

💜🏳️‍🌈Abrimos nuestro grupo terapéutico gratuito para
📍Iniciamos el miércoles 25 de mayo, 7:00 PM vía Zoom.
📍Solicita el formulario de inscripción al 9991791873 📱
📍Reuniones presenciales 1 vez al mes.
📍Confidencial - Sororo - Ternura radical- Feminista 💜

15 46

¡Ya está! Así ha quedado, espero que os guste 😄. Por cierto, me he equivocado y la imagen está a 72 ppp, así que se ve bastante mal cuando haces un poco de zoom...

2 9

zoom.... enhance.... activate Bird Vision... HE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Did a figure drawing session last night over zoom. The model was supposed to be some kind of Edwardian-era boxer and she was super fun to work on.

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I tried out Adobe CS4. Love the brush but I am NOT used to not be able to Ctrl+Scroll to zoom. lol

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Today's warm-up in stream (200% zoom. why did past me make this canvas so small??) today. Asked chat for a + shape, to mush around pixels. 💙

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Excitement building here for ’s workshop for us next Thurs 21 April at 10am on zoom. For young artists and writers age 9 - 12 yrs. We’re making mini notebooks and Jess will be sharing zillions of ideas! More info: or email

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Ever have one of those days when you feel like drawing a lady with an absolutely absurd dumptruck ass?

Well, I did. :1

128x208px. at 3xzoom.

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Holy shit ASE did me rotten on this.
Set it to export at 300% and then it did not bother actually doing it? I have no idea how it happened that way.

Anyway, for real this time, 165x160px. at 3xzoom.
8+1c. from Chaos-Mountain-59.

2 9

Fuck it.
Time for
Doodled them on stream last night while my brain was rebooting. Purposefully sloppy.

165x160px. at 3xzoom.
8+1 colours from my Chaos-Mountain-59 palette.

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