Il illustrato da inizia con e Virgilio, usciti dall'Inferno, che incontrano Catone
"a li occhi miei ricominciò diletto, tosto che usci' fuor de l'aura morta che m'avea contristati li occhi e 'l petto"
Tutto il Purgatorio👉

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FOUR images of Dante's Hell (1586-1588) by the Renaissance artist Federico Zuccari.

See all 88 illustrations at an online exhibition at the Uffizi Gallery in honour of the 700th year since Dante's passing.

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Uffizi, Florence | Online
A virtual survey of Federico Zuccari’s drawings marks 700 years since Dante’s death

5 14

Simply magnificent!
For the anniversary of death, exhibits online rarely seen sketches of the Ink drawings by Zuccari that illustrate the epic journey through hell, purgatory and heaven.

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花ズッキーニ【fiore di zucca】(フィオーレディズッカ)


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1/5 Most exquisite flowers and orchids of a singular beauty.
A Lilium Callosum. Zuccar and a Amaryllis
Here comes the Hartinger story:
1/1 Anton Hartinger
"Paradisus Vindobonensis" (Viennese Paradise)
text to be continued...

1 6


Avere sale in zucca(かぼちゃの中に塩をもつ)で、賢いという意味になります。(反対にnon avere~ で馬鹿なという意味になります)

0 5

Zucca making potions with Sucy from Little Witch Academia. I think they would have a great chemistry.

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ZUCCAのコートが呪術高専 狗巻パイセン風

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Genre Scene of Young Men Playing a Game, Frederico Zuccaro

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Just another day in Arcadia...

Bacchanal, Francesco Zuccarelli, 1740-1750

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Finished comms for FA's Dreaj1 and Zucca ^^

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The Pokemon party
We got Tickle Monster, Zucca, Sammy, Dr. Breuger, Nebula, and The Boogeyman.

Sure is lucky for me he posted a link to all his ocs earlier!

1 10

かわいい〜〜(和山やまさんと鈴木親さんとTOGAとLAKAとfred perryとzuccaに見つかりますように……)…!

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