of third of my 6 fanarts challenge!
I’m trying to try a different painting style etc for each character. I quite like this one tbh, even if it is time consuming as hell :’)

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Tzuyu and Rapunzel both have an infectious, child-like energy and a love for adventure. Like, Rapunzel, Tzuyu is a bit of a daredevil; she isn’t afraid of heights or any villains who may try to stop her from following her dreams.

196 718

Держите отдельные версии✨

64 867

Sun and Moon:
More Sunpunzel and Moongene! I love the sun and moon parallel with these two.

4 14

Rapunzel (Enredados)
Hoy hago directo en stream para dibujar, wuuu☆. Anoche me puse a dibujar mucho porque llevaba días sin tocar el papel

5 15

Bunny Rapunzel welcomes you to Easter season! Comm for Sir Town 94!

6 9

Why is Rapunzel so adorable when she’s angry or annoyed? it’s the most cutest thing ever I mean she’s such a sweetheart so seeing her mad is priceless and precious I love her so much ❤️ I literally can’t even

20 79

Wish granted watch


It shows journey from the tower to her wedding day.

Though a full movie about the instead of a short would be nice.

8 40

are they fast?

Last night sketchs.

31 228

Me le pidió varía gente para el sixfanart challege, y como la adoro, al final decidí dedicarle un dibujo solo a ella 💚🦎

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