NEW COMIC! >> full comic:

Apparently Kitty learned something from Hiko after all. Standing up in face of adversity like this is a true samurai attitude.

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Doing some more experimentation, this time with the Claudster.

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NOVA HQ! > in English: > HQ completa:
E agora? Está tudo lascado, como diz Zumbi? Diante de uma pedra gigante, devemos desistir?
Vamos descobrir no próximo episódio!

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NEW COMIC! | em português: || full comic:

A giant red troll has entered into the scene. Will our friends be able to defeat it?

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NOVA PÁGINA! | in English: || HQ completa:

Um troll vermelho gigante entrou em cena.

Nossos amigos serão capazes de derrotá-lo? Fique atento para descobrir!

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>> em português:

>> full comic:

WOW, something came from behind and hit our friends HARD in the face!

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>> in English:

>> história completa: (link na bio)

algo veio por trás e acertou em cheio as fuças nossos amigos

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Well Kotaku may have recently mistaken him for Ryu, but we all know there's no one quite like Karate Roger!

You can join his epic adventures in 'Legend of Hand' currently at 50% off on Steam.

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martial arts duo for MatthewJabezNazarioA! I was asked to make them look Canadian, so I made some outfit alterations

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Parece que não é preciso ter um shinai ou usar umas técnicas estranhas de samurai se você tiver garras afiadas.

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I guess a shinai and some weird samurai technique is not necessary if you have sharp claws.

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