画質 高画質

We took a break from comms and raffles today and sketched a recent vtuber design I saw and really liked.

| https://t.co/LrJl5rbvQI

17 153

purah sketches from last year

1078 8146

Hmm Hmm. Sketche from over the weekend

26 450

Sketches Karinn Gyat

56 729

I've sketched an impression of Nagatoro's mom. Why did I do it? Because women with sexually overwhelming auras need to be sketched. It's written into me on a deep level.

16 145

(KanColle) RQ Natsugumo (Enhanced)
【艦これ】 レースクイーン夏雲ちゃん (強化した)

(Recovered from one of the few Natsugumo sketches I did last year when first practicing drawing her)

8 29

Today was one of those days where everything I drew was garbage, but me and moco did some 5 minute sketches
I can only show these because the rest is just embarrassingly bad lol

9 128

I haven't created a new account so for now you guys have to deal with my songseongsong art/sketches on main

1 38

My keyboard is broken! Some keys are not working!😱
キーボードが壊れた! いくつかのキーが動かない!😱
我的鍵盤壞了! 有些鍵打不字出來!😱

16 131

some recent hsr sketches

364 4685

Couple Karisa sketches I've colored
Drawn by

73 502

some traditional sketches cuz I can barely draw digitally lately

40 615

AND SUDDENLY OUR BRAINS GO HAYWIRE. i think like THAT NIGHT hallie and i started an RP of them meeting and SOMETHING WAS CLICKING WAYYY TOO WELL. i was pumping out SO many sketches of them based on our convos at an unprecedented rate bcus they were making SENSE

1 8

Luxiem pcs wip the last batch of sketches uhuhu

89 666

Sketches of the month

131 3044