I've drawn president Sana doing her best to save a friend in peril. Learn from Sana, and be more like her.

39 297

I've sketched Hana Sunomiya. I've drawn surprisingly little of her, tbh, which is a shame.

37 229

I've sketched Shikki's IMMENSITY.

65 481

I sketched another kinda muscle-y Naga.

62 453

I've sketched a Shikki to go with the Naga. The judo club is hereby renamed the sweaty maidens club.

38 218

I sketched a Nagatoro. A muscled Nagatoro. A muscletoro, if you will.

61 345

I've drawn Orihara, a pure, sporty maiden who will totally never force herself on anyone, enjoying the aftermath of a long, intense day. Soon, she will enjoy it even more.

62 370

Y los animes que me encantan ❤️❤️❤️❤️

4 27

イジらないで、長瀞さん 2nd Attack
Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro


長瀞さん が、センパイ を、イジりまくる、お話(笑)


0 16

He hecho un capitulo FANMANGA de !! Lo que se ve aquí ocurre después capitulo 96 del manga.


Decir que esto era una práctica que siempre quise hacer para aprender como se crea un manga. Espero que os guste.

PG 1/17

0 10

done!! Hope you like it

Remember you can support me on Patreon with just $1 per month

1 6