let kuboyasu bring his pomp and mullet back!!! 💕💕

4 9

dark reunion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

31 84

[december 2018] gee teruhashi! how come your creator lets you have two gfs?

16 9

He looks a lot like Sakamaki Ayato here ^^;
The distortion of his eyes somewhat threw me off, so I made it less extreme than what it was meant to be.

1 2

Oh! Your sunglases looks tooo cool!

Karamatsu: Try to wear mine!
Saiki: *Hé?*

2 8

huevember:13 – coffee jelly......

5 7

My compiled fan art sets (3/3)
(Aims and Desires)🌟
(Saiki Overload)🕹️🕹️
(A Pack of Good Cells)😇

3 7