And finally in this set - Fitz “Fizzles” Fitzgerald, classically trained gnome wild mage gnome sorcerer.

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Oops my hand slipped and I made another goblin. His name is Gorgonzola, and he's a smug little wild magic sorcerer.

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So this took almost 2 hours because I'm never satisfied. BUUUT I'm happy with the outcome and love the character.

This is Alys, a half-elf Wild Magic Sorcerer. Say hi!

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Ceratops berserker giant.
Half-dragão of Tamura.
Human Knight of the light.
Humanrpg brawler.
Dwarf samurai.
Half-Elf sorcerer.
And corrupted Tarrasque.

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Here's one of my characters--Starling Demir. Broken magic in a hedonistic form. They're dying, so might as well live and flirt with death while they go down. They want to put the fun in their own funeral. They were one of my first D&D characters--a storm sorcerer.

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I'm awful at finishing pictures but these are my four main kids! Wyck the drow necromancer, Ardo the arakockra druid, August the mapach barbarian, and Crisanth the tiefling sorcerer.

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Also more dnd character stuff I forgot to post. One day I'll use them but yeeee.

Nellwyn is a moon elf, and a sorcerer. Alcyone is a aasimar and a warlock uvu

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Smol version of my Sith Sorcerer.

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This banner from 2018 and I wanna redo someday with new one. Name left to right
Leon: The defender officer.
Dave: The wanderer fighter.
Raven: The dark sorcerer.
Ley: The knight of justice.

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Yooo I'm Xteve. Illustrator. Part-time sorcerer.
Working on an animation project atm hence, no new stuff.

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I made one of my DnD characters. Alisa, she's a Siren Sea Sorcerer.

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New year! New campaign! Meet Arden my tiefling wild magic sorcerer. A WIP that I'm unlikely to finish any time soon :)

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drew my oc, Eiris as a witcher as well as a sorcerer. He'd be way happier as the latter, living as a recluse and just researching all day

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working out a style is hard. anyway here's my Sea Sorcerer. Curse of the Sea 😍

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's D&D character Saria. She is a Shadow Sorcerer... love she

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Finished the portrait for my future phoenix bloodline sorcerer. I'm really excited to play the mix of healing and blasting! Still have to pick a name for her.

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My new baby boi for DnD <3
He's a gay af Wild Magic Sorcerer.

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Hmm... maybe Malcom the sorcerer.

Side notes: When she kisses him, it's behind the veil (as in, peeling it back and actually kissing him. The veil is not his face (ofc), it's just some cartoon gag.

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Mathias, wise, self-confident and also sarcastic af sorcerer. He's one of the taller ones too but still wears heels because he c a n

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