Finally, the day 18 of the challenge
18-Final Death
Ashes to ashes.
I had great fun doing this picture, because I'm not used to draw neither skeletons or fire.

10 18

Day 16 of the
I wanted to imitate Klimt's Kiss composition and for once make something less dark, more vibrant and bright ❤ quite like how it went.

17 26

Day 15 of the
And you though a full-grow up vampire was dangerous enough-wait and see. This is not exactly a card up your sleeve. You better run.

15 19

night 14. Embrace. "Nothing can happen more beautiful than death.”– Walt Whitman

1 4

Day 12 of the
12-Flaw (Silver+Garlic)
Classic for vampires: silver and garlic flowers. This is one of my favourite pictures. The chain is actually painted with silver marker

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Day 10 of the
10-Predator Type (Siren)
Not all Sirens have to be pretty ladies. There are also handsome bloodsuckers in your neighbourhood 😎❤

8 19

"The lone wolf dies but the pack survives!"
"Stop quoting Game of Thrones! FOCUS"
"Oh, I love your sense of humor!"

16 34

Day 8 of the challenge
8-Clan curse
"Vanitis Vanitatum Omnia Vanitas"
At least they cannot be arrogant about their appearance. Old V20 Clan Curse.

15 28

Day 7 of the challenge!!!
"I call this BLOODY MARY!!!🍹💫...About Mary, SHE IS FINE!!!
I think.
But HEY!! Is INDEED delicious!!"

17 50

Day 6 of the challenge
"Maybe she is not flesh of my flesh, but indeed she is blood of my blood. You'll see...well, maybe we can add the flesh quote here".

5 16

Day 4!
"A beast I am lest a beast I become...a beast I am lest a beast I become...."
But vampires are condemned to forget their Humanity and even damage it.

3 17

Day 2!!
2-Sun. Wanted to make a picture that focus in fact that Vampires can never see the Sun again, cursed to never feel it's warm touch, to miss it like a relic of the past.

Some filters added!

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I'm working on my WoD print today!!! Come and join us!!!

2 7

Shit's kicking off in my WoD server and I just... I'm fucking

2 6


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