And then there’s Richard, the worst volgirre to ever volgirre (another vtm oc doodle from some expression memes)

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Introducing the Coterie.
Embraced into Clan Volgirre, Katherine is secretive about what her unlife was like before she joined the Camarilla. In regular nights, she pretends to be just another Toreador, but things never go quite her way as the Cam keeps a close eye on her.

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Local vampires girls gonna gossip and talk shit about their ex boyfriends
Joanne + Eva best girls in town

7 27

Richard weaver, a Volgirre masquerading as a toreador ex-optician. Regularly found switching his eye colour to unnerve mortals and creating Very..Very Lifelike Clay Sculptures....

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My awful Volgirre, Dr Richard Weaver ( yes, you may refer to him as Dick for short) , whos currently posing as a toreador with the side job of an opticians to select and torment his prey. 😬

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Find the beauty in the most little and twisted things.

I can draw a body? Then you can bet I'm gonna use it for a vampire drawing, YEEEET

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Some roses, feathers and moths.
...And the fact that I'm happy with this messy sketch

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My very firsr character, Eva Lucast, went from a modern Toreador to an older Volgirre. Not gonna lie, it was a challenge to change her, not the looks, but the insides 🌹🦇🥩

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And some final paintings nd doodles; my Volgirre whos currently passing himself off as a torreador optician , my malkavian dealing with his sobriety by baking copious amounts of bread + thumbnails for a lil comic on his backstory as a giovanni ghoul.

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Day 6 of the challenge
"Maybe she is not flesh of my flesh, but indeed she is blood of my blood. You'll see...well, maybe we can add the flesh quote here".

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[Some NSFW]

Volgirres just want to have fun~

purples, greys and blacks are OUT
Complementary colors and vaporwave is IN

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