画質 高画質

my first commission in 2023 is for @/wonznim ! (she's my bff😍)

thanks for commissioning me! hope you like it and have a great day with your ututu unyunyu bf😆

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[Any Retweet will very Appreciated]

Hi, I opened commission chibi again ^^
Feel free to ask me if you have any question or DM if you interested
Thankyou o⁠(⁠(⁠⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠⁠)⁠)⁠o~

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Hewwo!! Back again with my latest art-- which is a commission work for the dearest truly 's OC!

thank you for the order! >w<

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[RT's and Like are appreciated]

Hai halo aku buka commission nih, selengkapnya bisa cek comms sheet dibawah ini ya ^ ^
Bisa langsung DM aku kalau kalian tertarik, terima kasih!

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Collab with partner ಠ◡ಠ

Daniel with Jayden

Aku bagian coloring, Cher bagian lineart

Ayok Collab lagi ✨

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Kenaliin cwk pertama yg kukenalin, namanya Hana. Dia anaknya ramah, aplgi kalo sama temen2 ceweknya. Tp kalo sama cowok, ya gitu..

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[RT's & Like are appreciated]

Hai hai! saya lagi buka komis nih, info lengkapnya bisa cek dibawah ini yaa~

Tertarik? atau mau nanya2 dulu?? Dm aja ya sy tdk gigit hehe ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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Test nge tweet yang ke 3. Baru nyobain main Twitter, karna selama ini gk ngerti main nya. 😭😭😿
nama karya: Viking Elf🧝‍♀️

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Messing around with the pixel brush to animation pipeline

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Still need more rendering but i got tired so here it is

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Here take a look at my OCs! Drew some doodles out of boredom. Which one do you like? ♡

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Test nge tweet yang ke 2. Baru nyobain main Twitter, karna selama ini gk ngerti main nya. 😭😭😿
nama karya: Elf Herbalist🌿

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