who would have thought hed grow up to be such a dingle

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Branching off the Dabi Todoroki theory, I headcanon that he dyes his hair that dark brown (or the ash from his uh.. cremations dye it for him). I just cant decide if hed take more after his dad or his mom 🤔

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Hed a fun time streaming!! we drew this giant bell for the full version of Geflect!

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sleepy early morning scribble. i think if raito had his way hed never cut his hair so heres a... fluffy boy

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Witness his growth! (with colors hed look less vampirely tho xD)

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sbruniverse kakyoin??? i guess hed actually be named tenmei

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Past, Present and coming soon
Hed. Lilac
Freedom Planet

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also victor with a yuuri body pillow because we all know hed buy like 9000 of them

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北村佳奈さん 『icecream hed(pram)』彼女の目にはどんな風に世界が見えているのだろうとこの中に沈み込みたくなるような色彩が魅力的です。遠くから近くからじっくりご鑑賞ください。

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Have this pretty boy and dont know what I want to do with him. dont want to sell cause hed just get exalted. 2nd aqua

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Mohammed holds 'Je suis Charlie' sign in new Charlie Hebdo cover; hed is "All is forgiven." http://t.co/qUtwRDj4HN

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遅くなったけど、美月ちゃんHED 記念。美月印の牛乳すごく人気でると思うけどな(*´ω`*)

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