Hope you all have a good weekend! Have a greedy little dragon to lift up the spirits. 🔥

No he won't share his treasure sorry!

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I can't decide which version I like better, but I'm leaning towards the flats because the shading is fudged. Anyways, completed portrait for my pal of a lyrrinoth (OC species) chara I designed for him; Vraekai!

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for my LeoDragon (my horoscope & zodiac combined).

Taking a break, looking through some old artwork, then I ran across this 2012 piece. For sure a renaissance year for my art!

2nd was commissioned by Vyrerus💛

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Flat Coloring is Finished

It´s time to shade and light

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Boss completely surprised me with this. Absolutely love it. Honestly, I cant even begin to find the words to show the gratitude for it. So I better continue being the best zonked hypnodragon I can be

Art by

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Remember that stretchgoal we hit at 35k that added a new Dessert Familiar to Dragon Stew?

I thought it would be a good time to reveal a little bit more about our newest addition!
Meet The Teacup Dragon!! It's like a pseudodragon, but smaller! It also brews tea :)

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Pseudodragon chalk sticker! I love these lil' lads💖
Gon' take a break after this one, haha, I gave myself a blister from holding my tablet pen too roughly

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here we got npc willie who SCREAM bc she gets attacked by croix, nat's pseudodragon familiar. our favourite travelling merchant cute, and prince oargev

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Hobbyist artist here ~ This is a pic I did of our party from a homebrewed campaign. My character is the aasimar warlock Emona and her pseudodragon familiar Wisp. ❤

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Another portrait done for our DnD party. This one for our elven monk, Desiree and her pseudodragon friend Ruby 🍃🐉

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【28:40頃】📀MONTHLY DISC📀
1カ月間、1枚のアルバムを特集するMONTHLY DISCのコーナー。弾き語り動画がSNSでも話題のシンガーソングライター、kojikoji☕️
1月22日にリリースされる、1st EP『127』を、本人のコメントとともに特集します👀今夜が最終回!

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